Have you ever had a bug where things were happening in the wrong order, or particular style changes were being ignored? Ever fixed that bug by wrapping a sec...
Très bonne explication sur la gestion des tâches par le main thread JS dans le browser (tasks, microtasks, requestAnimationFrame ...) <www.youtube.com>
“Polly.JS, a client-side library to record, replay, and stub HTTP Interactions is now part of @NetflixOSS. #javascript https://t.co/oLT0UNfdg2”
Découvrez le Tweet de @NetflixOSS : <twitter.com>
A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UIs. Different from a "web app", "HTML5 app", or "hybrid app", you can use Weex to build a real mobile app. The code that you write is relatively simple,
A NativeScript plugin for building truly native applications using Vue.js
Fully free, open source mobile framework. Build truly native iOS and Android mobile apps. Get 100% native API access with Javascript, TypeScript or Angular.
We at GeekyAnts are very excited to share one of our side projects which we have been working for a while, Vue Native!
“Introducing Vue Native” <medium.com>
A blog by the V8 team for JavaScript enthusiast that want to get a glimpse 'under the hood' of Chrome's JavaScript engine.
So you’ve been constructing and using REST API’s for quite some time now and short while ago started hearing about GraphQL — a new hype in…
Pour compléter sur GraphQL :slightly_smiling_face: <medium.com>
John Resig semble bien aimer GraphQL, <graphql.guide/> :slightly_smiling_face:
79 votes and 106 so far on reddit
Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) is an algorithm that can identify and block dubious cross-origin resource loads in web browsers before they reach the web page. CORB reduces the risk of leaking sensitive data by keeping it further from cross-origin web p
après le cors : le corb : <www.chromestatus.com>
Last year, we decided to move all of our JavaScript projects from npm to Yarn. Click to continue
One of the top pieces of feedback that people share about AMP is about the “google.com/amp…” URLs that are used when linking to a piece of AMP content in Google Search. A couple of months ago, the …
Ayé les 1ers tests de pages AMP servies sur l'url de l'éditeur sont en cours (WebPackaging) ... <@U0311DJD5> on pourrait regarder ? <amphtml.wordpress.com>
<oraoto.github.io> étrange ce truc. Ca me plante Chrome, mais pas Firefox
Lors de la conception de systèmes informatiques, on a souvent le choix d'utiliser un langage plus ou moins puissant pour publier des informations, exprimer des contraintes ou résoudre des problèmes. Mais la « Règle de la moindre puissance » ou « the Rule
“navigator.connection.effectiveType is great for delivering different assets based on the user's network connection e.g 2G/3G -> low res image, 4G -> high res image/<video>”
The place where all things npm are documented
A partir de npm 5.10.0 une nouvelle fonction `npm audit` permet de scanner le code des dépendances (basé sur une bdd de code vulnérable). C'est exécuté automatiquement à l'install de nouveaux paquets <docs.npmjs.com>
In coordination with today’s announcement of Node.js v10, we’re excited to announce npm@6. This major update to npm includes powerful new…