A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. Maintain your code quality with ease.
Join the ViteConf 2024 live event! StackBlitz invites you to an immersive and interactive online conference for frontend teams building the next generation of the web with Vite
<viteconf.org> à partir de 16h pour qui est intéressé, le programme ici : <viteconf.org>
StackBlitz invites you to ViteConf, an immersive and interactive online event for frontend teams building the next generation of the web with Vite
<viteconf.org> à partir de 16h pour qui est intéressé, le programme ici : <viteconf.org>
Frédéric Bouchery a fourni une compréhension approfondie de RabbitMQ, aussi bien comme outil autonome qu'en intégration avec Symfony Messenger
Hello friends, this is the first of two, possibly three (if and when I have time to finish the Windows research) writeups. We will start with targeting GNU/Linux systems with an RCE. As someone who’s
Un célèbre chercheur en cybersécurité a révélé une vulnérabilité RCE non authentifiée contre tous les systèmes GNU/Linux (et d'autres). Mais la vulnérabilité n'a toujours pas de CVE assigné, ni de correctif fonctionnel. Des organisations comme Canonical,
JetBrains JavaScript Day is back for its fourth year, and as always, we are ready to get you up to speed with the latest trends and answer all your questions about modern JavaScript and TypeScript development.
JetBrains organise des conf sur js le 24 Octobre (c'est gratuit) <lp.jetbrains.com>
I've set up ngx-php to run Laravel example application in worker mode with Octane and then compared the performance with classic php-fpm and also other Octan...
Use Airflow for ETL/ELT pipelines Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) and Extract-Load-Transform (ELT) data pipelines are the most common use case for Apache Airflow. 90% of respondents in the 2023 Apache Airflow survey are using Airflow for ETL/ELT to power an
Lors de l'ApiPlatform conference, on m'a fait les éloges d'Apache AirFlow. Quelqu'un a déjà utilisé ? <airflow.apache.org>
With CSS anchor(), overlaying and connecting UI elements has never been easier. The Over-Easy Machine shows how a few lines of CSS can make position relative...
open-props as sass variables. Contribute to mayank99/open-props-scss development by creating an account on GitHub.
et la cerise sur le gateau, la version scss : <github.com>
This was a talk given at the 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good (2024): https://conf.11ty.dev/2024/dont-fear-the-cascade/In this talk...
An interactive Git visualization tool to educate and challenge!
Un tuto git en français plutôt bien fait ... <learngitbranching.js.org>
Wez's Terminal Emulator
(encore) un nouveau terminal, (encore) écrit en rust <wezfurlong.org>
AWS transfers OpenSearch to the Linux Foundation to support a vendor-neutral community for search, analytics, observability, and vector database software
<www.linuxfoundation.org> OpenSearch le fork de Elasticsearch fait par Amazon AWS change de main et passe chez la Linux Foundation :popcorn:
YugabyteDB is the 100% open source cloud native database for mission critical applications. YugabyteDB runs in any public or hybrid cloud.