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GitHub - abi/screenshot-to-code: Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue)

Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue) - GitHub - abi/screenshot-to-code: Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue)

By red - - Intégration
A new approach to container and wrapper classes

The wrapper or container is probably the most common design pattern around, but after coming across an article by Stephanie Eckles looking at how we can use ...

a regarder en parrallele : <>
By eclergeot - - Intégration
Layout Breakouts with CSS Grid

Extending elements beyond the content area with CSS Grid and named grid lines.

By eclergeot - - Intégration
By florent - - Intégration
When position sticky doesn't stick

Sometimes position sticky doesn't stick, so let's see why it doesn't and how we can fix it!

By florent - - Intégration
True parallax with CSS-only is now possible 👈 Interested in levelling up your CSS game? I’ve got courses!P...

By florent - - Intégration
By florent - - Intégration
How To Animate Along A Path In CSS — Smashing Magazine

CSS loaders and progress indicators are some of the most widely used examples in tutorials and documentation. In this article, Preethi demonstrates an approach using animated custom properties, a conic gradient, CSS `offset`, and emoji to create the illus

By florent - - Intégration
By florent - - Intégration
CSS relative color syntax - Chrome for Developers

Create new colors based on another color's channels and values.

By eclergeot - - Intégration
"@scope" | Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc

ça serait tellement pratique si on pouvait l'utiliser, mais... <>
By eclergeot - - Intégration
Simplify your code with this underused pseudo-class

#css--Come hang out with other dev's in my Discord Community💬 up to date with everything I'm up to✉ https://www.kevinpowell.c...

<> :star-struck:
By florent - - Intégration
When to Nest CSS

CSS nesting is great, but should be used with caution. As a rule, if a selector will work without being nested, don't nest it. However, there are certain situations where nesting can make things easier to understand.

By florent - - Intégration
Limit the reach of your selectors with the CSS `@scope` at-rule - Chrome for Developers

Learn how to use @scope to select elements only within a limited subtree of your DOM.

By florent - - Intégration
The Future of CSS: Easy Light-Dark Mode Color Switching with light-dark()

A function that computes to the first color if the used color scheme is light or unknown, or to the second color if the used color scheme is dark.

By florent - - Intégration
How Custom Property Values are Computed | Modern CSS Solutions

Review behaviors to be aware of regarding how the browser computes final custom property values. A misunderstanding of this process may lead to an unexpected or missing value and difficulty troubleshooting and resolving the issue.

a lire en // : <>
By eclergeot - - Intégration
Type safe CSS design systems with @property · September 1, 2023

Website for Adam Argyle: Teacher, Speaker, CSSWG member, and creator of Open Props and VisBug.

By eclergeot - - Intégration
The border-radius feature most people don’t know about

Did you know that each corner of a border-radius can have two different values, one of the X axis and one for the Y axis? #css --Come hang out with other dev...

By florent - - Intégration
The Path To Awesome CSS Easing With The linear() Function — Smashing Magazine

With the new CSS `linear()` easing function on the horizon, the possibilities of what we can do to create natural-feeling animations and transitions in the future are greatly expanded. Jhey Tompkins looks at the current state of CSS easing in this article

By florent - - Intégration