Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

Implementing a variable font with fallback web fonts

With variable fonts, more typographic richness and influence is coming to the web and this at a relatively low file size. You want to benefit from that in your next web project, but still, you don’…

By davidb - - Intégration
Le projet VisBug de Google permet l’édition de pages web depuis Chrome - Blog du Modérateur

Lors du Chrome Dev Summit qui s’est déroulé San Francisco, Google a présenté un nouvel outil pour les développeurs appelé VisBug. Il permet de modifier une page web en visuel grâce à des simples actions de glisser-déposer. Modifier une page web directemen

By red - - Intégration
CSS and Network Performance – CSS Wizardry

How can CSS impact network and resource-loading performance? Can things be that serious?

By ernest - - Intégration
Nicolas on Twitter

“A brief analysis and comparison of the CSS for Twitter's PWA vs Twitter's legacy desktop website. The difference is dramatic and I'll touch on some reasons why.”

By chugues - - Intégration
How I made a themeable Design System for my Professional Brand — OSKRHQ.DS

… More specifically a Design Guide and a React Component Library with a very unique SASS architecture.

By davidb - - Intégration
The CSS Working Group At TPAC: What’s New In CSS?

Last week, Rachel Andrew attended the CSS Working Group meeting at W3C TPAC, and rounds up some of the discussions in this post &mdash; including those things where you can help make a decision.

By davidb - - Intégration
Which Code Should I Include in Every Email?

Learn how to build email code properly to help ensure your email displays correctly on every device and client.

Ca date un peu mais ça doit toujours être d'actualité :wink: <>
By dam75 - - Intégration
Negative Grid Lines

Did you know you can use negative line numbers to position grid items with CSS Grid? I didn’t until recently – or rather, I hadn’t given it…

By davidb - - Intégration
The Mine: No JS, CSS only adventure game

My contribution to the Codepen Halloween challenge. Lot's of stuff going on here. The concept initially started off as a simple 'Walk down a corridor a...

By davidb - - Intégration
Rhythm in Web Typography

Horizontal rhythm mostly impacts the legibility, while vertical rhythm impacts the readability of the text and establishes a sense of visual hierarchy.

By davidb - - Intégration
By davidb - - Intégration
CSS Border-Radius Can Do That? – 9elements – Medium

How to create very cool effects with a rarely used feature.

By davidb - - Intégration
Build CSS grid layouts visually | Webflow

Experience the unprecedented ease, speed, and power of CSS grid layout — visually.

By davidb - - Intégration
Moving Backgrounds With Mouse Position | CSS-Tricks

Let's say you wanted to move the background-position on an element as you mouse over it to give the design a little pizzazz. You have an element like

By davidb - - Intégration
Emmanuelle on Twitter

“"Donnez la possibilité aux utilisateurs de remplir automatiquement les champs du formulaire grâce à l'attribut autocomplete. En deuxième photo, la liste des valeurs qu'on peut utiliser dans l'autocomplete." #ParisWeb”

<> L'attribut autocomplete sur les formulaires pour aider au remplissage automatique par les browsers
By xavierccm - - Intégration
Creating horizontal scrolling containers the right way [CSS Grid]

Ever since Netflix became a household name we’ve been scrolling sideways in mobile layouts. Instead of stacking everything on top of each…

By davidb - - Intégration
Banksy Shredder

A simple art shredder made famous by Banksy using CSS Grid and Anime JS. Featuring Anne Blenker's artwork. ( You can read a how-to ...

By davidb - - Intégration
Gaël Poupard on Twitter

“@borisschapira @ParisWeb Examples on are playable (and documented, in french for now ????)”

Découvrez le Tweet de @ffoodd_fr : <>
By ernest - - Intégration
Paris Web – Suivez les conférences en direct

Paris Web, la conférence francophone des gens qui font un web accessible et de qualité. 13e édition du 4 au 6 octobre 2018.

By dsyren - - Intégration
Smashing Magazine on Twitter

“If you need a responsive, keyboard-accessible before/after slider, here’s one. ↬ Beer Slider ↬ Github Repo”

By ernest - - Intégration