Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

How much critical CSS can be inlined before there is a negative performance impact?

I've heard that to avoid render-blocking issues, it's good to inline critical CSS directly in the <HEAD> tag by including the actual CSS in <STYLE> tags, and then load the rest of the CSS

By eclergeot - - Performance web
Track Core Web Vitals In GA4 With Google Tag Manager

A guide for measuring Core Web Vitals (LCP, FID, and CLS) in Google Analytics 4 using Google Tag Manager and a custom template from the template gallery.

Tout est dans le titre … pouvoir suivre LCP, FID ou CLS dans GA ce serait pas mal non en complément des extensions diverses ? <>
By dam75 - - Performance web
A Performance Heads-Up Display (HUD) for Chrome

Introducing a new Performance Heads-Up Display (HUD) to Chrome and Chrome for Android

<> Core Web Vitals HUD directement dispo dans Chrome (a partir de la version 90)
By lneveu - - Performance web

< Vitals Leaderboard> allows you to compare your scores against competition on mobile, tablet, desktop, and on 3G and 4G.
By lneveu - - Performance web
How We Improved SmashingMag Performance — Smashing Magazine

In this article, we’ll take a close look at some of the changes we made on this very site &mdash; running on JAMStack with React &mdash; to optimize the web performance and improve the Core Web Vitals metrics. With some of the mistakes we’ve made, and som

"How We Improved SmashingMag Performance (& Core Web Vitals metrics), a case study" <>
By lneveu - - Performance web
Programme - We Love Speed

Le programme de l’édition 2019 de We Love Speed

By eclergeot - - Performance web
“cross-site resources like f

“cross-site resources like fonts can’t be shared on the same CDN anymore. This is due to the partitioned browser cache” >
AVIF has landed

AVIF is the first browser image format we've had in 10 years. Let's see how it performs…

By eclergeot - - Performance web
Optimize Cumulative Layout Shift

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a metric that quantifies how often users experience sudden shifts in page content. In this guide, we'll cover optimizing common causes of CLS such as images and iframes without dimensions or dynamic content.

By olivier - - Performance web LIVE

Bringing web developers together, from home

By eclergeot - - Performance web

<> Firefox se met à troller (ou indiquer) les requêtes lentes dans son dev tool
By xavierccm - - Performance web
Website Speed Test Report is Generated | SpeedLab by BrowserStack

Analyze your website speed test report generated using SpeedLab by BrowserStack.

Nouvel outil de BrowserStack, qui teste la perf de sites sur plein de navigateurs différents ... ex de rapport pour journaldunet : <>
By dam75 - - Performance web
Priorités des chargements JavaScript dans Chrome · Boris Schapira

Traduction d'une synthèse d'Addy Osmani sur la manière dont les scripts étaient téléchargés et exécutés dans Chrome jusqu'à février 2019.

By xavierccm - - Performance web
Web Vitals

Essential metrics for a healthy site

By lneveu - - Performance web
Les tendances et les défis webperf pour 2020 - Fasterize

Chaque nouvelle année s’accompagne de son lot de prédictions. Comme les “bonnes résolutions”, les mêmes se retrouvent souvent d’année en année, ou au contraire ne sont pas observées. Pour 2020, à défaut d’une boule de cristal, nous avons sondé nos experts

By ernest - - Performance web
Monitoring Performance with the PageSpeed Insights API

The PageSpeed Insights API provides free access to performance monitoring for web pages and returns data with suggestions for how to improve.

By lneveu - - Performance web
Prepare For Fewer Cache Hits As Chrome Partitions Their HTTP Cache

Traditionally one of the advantages of loading web fonts from Google Fonts was that you'd potentially benefit from it already being in the browser cache from another site the user had previously visit

By eclergeot - - Performance web

A curated list of webpack tools for web performance - iamakulov/awesome-webpack-perf

By eclergeot - - Performance web