Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

Faut-il utiliser les ORM ou continuer d'écrire simplement des requêtes SQL ? Eli Bendersky donne son avis

L’arrivée des ORM pour les langages de programmation a apporté un certain nombre d’avantages s’agissant de la manipulation et la modification de données dans la construction d’une application. Un ORM (Object Relational Mapping) est un ensemble de librairi

By red - - PHP-Système
PHP in 2019 -

PHP isn't the same old crappy language it was ten years ago

By alavenant - - PHP-Système

ARA Records Ansible playbook runs and makes the recorded data available and intuitive for users and systems.

By yneveu - - PHP-Système
Replacing Google Analytics with GoAccess

How I replaced Google tracking with simple log-based analytics on my personal website.

By red - - PHP-Système
6 of the Best PHP ETL Tools

PHP ETL is a powerful tool for scripting code for your data operations. Here we've put together the top PHP ETL tools for when you want to deliver results but not your code.

By red - - PHP-Système

A fast, solid and strong typed string manipulation library with multibyte support - fe3dback/str

By red - - PHP-Système

PHP DataMapper and ORM. Contribute to cycle/orm development by creating an account on GitHub.

By red - - PHP-Système
Alerting based on IPMI data collection - OVH Blog

Temps de lecture estimé : 4 minute(s)The problem to solve… How to continuously monitor the health of all OVH servers, without any impact on their performance, and no intrusion on the operating systems running on them – this was the issue to address. The e

By red - - PHP-Système

<> (je partage ici au cas ou tout le monde ne serait pas sur <#C030Z7W1T|chat-php>)
By urenaud - - PHP-Système
Online PHP editor | output for FW7iP

Run your php code online; get statistics, vld output and compare output from all versions.

<> Avec le spread operator, pour les index numériques, on pourra donc faire `[...$a, ...$b]` ce qui retournera bien le merge `[1,2,3,4]`
By red - - PHP-Système
PHP: rfc:spread_operator_for_array

Vient juste d'être acceptée pour la version 7.4 : <>
By red - - PHP-Système
Symfony 4.3.0-BETA1 released (Symfony Blog)

Symfony 4.3.0-BETA1 has just been released.

By red - - PHP-Système
Announcing WSL 2 | Windows Command Line Tools For Developers

WSL 2 is a new architecture that allows for dramatic file system performance and full system call compatibility in WSL using a Linux kernel.

<> wsl2: Microsoft va publier un kernel Linux avec windows ! Docker sera donc dispo a travers ce kernel, in serveur ssh aussi, etc...
By xavierccm - - PHP-Système
Search Benchmarking: RediSearch vs. Elasticsearch | Redis Labs

Background RediSearch is a distributed full-text search and aggregation engine built as a module on top of Redis. It enables  users to execute complex search queries on their Redis dataset in an extremely fast manner. The unique architecture of RediSearch

By red - - PHP-Système
PHP: rfc:arrow_functions_v2

Bon, on dirait que l'on va avoir des arrow functions en PHP 7.4 : <>
By red - - PHP-Système
New in Symfony 4.3: URL Helper (Symfony Blog)

In Symfony 4.3, a new UrlHelper class will simplify the generation of absolute/relative URLs for a given path.

By red - - PHP-Système
Caching is hard, draw me a picture–Updated

Another guest post from our friend Darrel Miller, this time explaining caching.

By red - - PHP-Système

Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages. - webmozart/assert

By urenaud - - PHP-Système
The nations of the Amazon want the name back

Rainforest nations have opposed the creation of a new .amazon internet domain name. Why?

<> sur la gestion des nouveaux tld lorsqu'ils correspondent à une toponymie
By xavierccm - - PHP-Système