Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

PHP 8.0 Released

PHP 8.0 is a major update of the PHP language. It contains many new features and optimizations including named arguments, union types, attributes, constructor property promotion, match expression, nullsafe operator, JIT, and improvements in the type syste

On migre quand ? :relaxed: <>
By gcautain - - PHP-Système
Outline VPN - Making it safer to break the news

Outline is a VPN software that makes it easy for organizations to set up their own VPN service, in order to protect their communications and access the open internet. Outline, created by Jigsaw, is open source, has been audited by a third party, and uses

Yop quelqu'un connait ce VPN réservé aux sites média ? <> (fourni par Jigsaw donc c'est google derrière)
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
Announcing HAProxy 2.3

HAProxy 2.3 adds exciting features such as forwarding, prioritizing,and translating of messages sent over the Syslog Protocol on both UDP and TCP, Stats Contexts, SSL/TLS enhancements, an improved cache, and changes in the connection layer that lay the fo

By xavierccm - - PHP-Système

A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display... - Swordfish90/cool-retro-term

Si toi aussi tu veux un terminal qui pique les yeux et qui consomme un max de ressources : <>
By mdemauroy - - PHP-Système
Microservices — architecture nihilism in minimalism's clothes - Blog by Vasco Figueira

How and why we took the ideas behind Microservices too far and what to do about it.

Post intéressant sur les archi micro-services ... TL;DR : si on va trop loin, sans se demander pourquoi on le fait, le résultat peut être mauvais, car on ne se pose plus la question de l'archi, on se contente d'empiler des micro-services, en remplaçant les "use" par des call http ... par contre accrochez vous, la 2nde partie sur les solutions qu'il propose (les build patterns) est velue :wink: <>.
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
GitHub - ovh/the-bastion: Auth

GitHub - ovh/the-bastion: Authentication, authorization, traceability and auditability for SSH accesses. >
Impact of using HTTP connectio

Impact of using HTTP connection pooling for PHP applications at scale – [[WM:TECHBLOG]] >
By vleborgne - - PHP-Système
Integrate your deployments with Jira | Jira Software Cloud | Atlassian Support

Gain greater visibility of deployment pipelines against the issues over a time scale by integrating Jira Software Cloud classic project with Git Pipelines.

Tiens Jira a maintenant une vue dédiée à la CI/CD ... intéressant ? <>
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
Better Git diff output for Ruby, Python, Elixir, Go and more

A small tweak to your Git config that will make the diff output smarter and more language aware

By vgrebot - - PHP-Système
Introducing Microsoft Edge preview builds for Linux

We are pleased to announce the availability of the Microsoft Edge Dev Channel for Linux! With this release, Microsoft Edge is now available for all major desktop and mobile platforms. We’re parti

By jparmentier - - PHP-Système
Google says it mitigated a 2.54 Tbps DDoS attack in 2017, largest known to date | ZDNet

Google discloses previously unknown DDoS attack.

<> 2.54TBPs pour la plus grosse DDOS jamais enregistrée, apparemment employant une méthode de réflexion / amplification
By xavierccm - - PHP-Système
Code With Me - Plugins | JetBrains

Code With Me (EAP) – a tool for collaborative development and pair programming by JetBrains.

pour le pair programming => <>
By jparmentier - - PHP-Système

???? PHP Microservice Full Coroutine Framework. Contribute to swoft-cloud/swoft development by creating an account on GitHub.

Swoft est un "PHP microservices coroutine framework" (s'appuie sur Swoole qui a déjà été vu plein de fois) ... php est vraiment le bon langage pour ça ? <>
By dam75 - - PHP-Système

<> pas de la veille car rien de nouveau, plutôt un rappel qu’il y a une gestion d’erreurs dans bash et qu’elle est sacrément utile, je vais l’exploiter davantage de mon côté !
By xavierccm - - PHP-Système

sqlbench measures and compares the execution time of one or more SQL queries. - felixge/sqlbench

marrant cet outil pour comparer les perfs de différentes requêtes entre elles (PGSQL only pour le moment) ... à utiliser en phase de dév quand on a un doute ? <>
By dam75 - - PHP-Système