Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

How to Keep Docker Container Running for Debugging

This post will look at how to keep a Docker container running for testing, debugging, and troubleshooting purposes.

By vgrebot - - PHP-Système

Carbon is the easiest way to create and share beautiful images of your source code.

alternative à pour le partage de snippets de codes en jouuulies images : <>
By dam75 - - PHP-Système - Create beautiful images of your code

Turn your code into beautiful images. Choose from a range of syntax colors, hide or show the background, and toggle between a dark and light window.

alternative à pour le partage de snippets de codes en jouuulies images : <>
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
Un extrait (7 pages) du magazi

Un extrait (7 pages) du magazine "programmez !" concernant les nouveautés de PHP 8 : >
Pas con cet outil, même si je

Pas con cet outil, même si je ne vois pas d’usage évident ^^ >
By gcautain - - PHP-Système
By vgrebot - - PHP-Système
URL redirection service | is the perfect tool for managing HTTP redirections for businesses, marketing and SEO.

By jparmentier - - PHP-Système
Feature Flags and Continuous Delivery - Flagship by AB Tasty

Separate code deployments from feature releases. Speed up development cycles and release safely when you are ready. Centralizing all your feature deployments and experiments on one dashboard enables product and engineering teams to stay agile.

vous connaissez <> ? Visiblement c'est ABTasty, mais un service juste pour faire du feature flag server side c'est pas un peu too much :thinking_face: ?
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
By vgrebot - - PHP-Système
New PSR for ClockInterface by cseufert · Pull Request #1224 · php-fig/fig-standards

Proposed new PSR for defining a ClockInterface that reads the clock.

By vincent - - PHP-Système
Join the world’s first managed K3s Kubernetes service –

Apply to join the exclusive #KUBE100 beta today. If accepted, you’ll get test-drive our exclusive K3s-powered Kubernetes service for free.

By xavierccm - - PHP-Système
PHP: rfc:fibers

C’est costaud comme RFC mais c’est intéressant. <>
By xavierccm - - PHP-Système
A surveiller côté système,

A surveiller côté système, downgrade d’openssl à venir (le build de php arrivait avec un build custom d’openssl, qui est arrêté désormais) >
By yneveu - - PHP-Système
Using PHPStan to analyse Symfony Console Application

If you want to use the PHPStan Symfony analysis and encounter an error with PHPParser, you should create a new Symfony environment with inlining deactivated. Here is why! PHPStan is a very handy tool that will analyze your code and tell you what leftover

By elehoux - - PHP-Système