Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

By vgrebot - - PHP-Système
Grafana 9.0: Prometheus and Grafana Loki visual query builders, new navigation, improved workflows, heatmap panels, and more!

The Grafana 9.0 release is here! Check out all the new features in Grafana's user experience, accessibility, panel and dashboard searchability, and more!

By yneveu - - PHP-Système
GitHub - dragonflydb/dragonfly: A modern replacement for Redis and Memcached

A modern replacement for Redis and Memcached. Contribute to dragonflydb/dragonfly development by creating an account on GitHub.

By jparmentier - - PHP-Système
Akamai launches managed database offering for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis and MongoDB - SiliconANGLE

Akamai launches managed database offering for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis and MongoDB - SiliconANGLE

<> Akamai launches managed database offering for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis and MongoDB
By xavierccm - - PHP-Système
CO2 Score Cloud Map - ScaleDynamics

Carte des Datacenter Cloud (pour les 3 providers AWS, GCP et Azure), avec leur conso de CO2 : Paris est meilleur que Dublin :wink: <>
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
Can I PHP? - but for PHP features

A list of PHP features and the versions of PHP that they are present in. Like but for PHP!

Si vous connaissiez CanIUse pour le CSS et le HTML, il aller adorer <>
By vgrebot - - PHP-Système - Find commands at the speed of thought is a searchable, templated catalog of popular terminal commands curated from across the internet.

Un "constructeur" de commandes consoles courantes (ex : Squash last n commits together) sous forme de petits formulaires ... <>
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
Bug #1958267 ""Connection failed” for WPA Enterprise network (e.... : Bugs : wpa package : Ubuntu

With the current jammy version of wpasupplicant (2:2.10-1), I cannot connect to the WPA Enterprise network eduroam, which is used by Universities worldwide. I get a "Connection failed" message or a request to re-enter the password. - I've re-tried the cr

Hello, pour info j'ai tenté l'upgrade de ubuntu vers la 22.04, il y a un bug avec le paquet wpasupplicant, il n'est pas possible de ce connecter à certains réseau sans fil (les réseaux wifi des locaux parisiens sont concernés) j'ai trouvé un ticket ouvert sur le sujet <>
By vgrebot - - PHP-Système
GitHub - projectdiscovery/subfinder: Subfinder is a subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites. Designed as a passive framework to be useful for bug bounties and safe for penetration testing.

Subfinder is a subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites. Designed as a passive framework to be useful for bug bounties and safe for penetration testing. - GitHub - proj...

dans le même genre il y' un outil en CLI <>
By vgrebot - - PHP-Système
moteur de recherche de certifi

moteur de recherche de certificats (SSL notamment). Ca fait flipper de voir nos domaines :wink: ex sur un des nôtres : <>
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
J’imagine que xdebug n’est

J’imagine que xdebug n’est plus très utilisé mais aucazou >
Overview of self-hosted serverless frameworks for Kubernetes: OpenFaaS, Knative, OpenWhisk, Fission

Serverless computing is quite a trend. Let's see which Open Source self-hosted serverless frameworks ­— with Kubernetes support, of course — we have today.

panorama des frameworks open source pour faire du Serverless on premise : je me demande si on aurait pas un usage de ce genre d'infra en complément de nos VM/containers "classiques", notamment pour nos API ... <>
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
Collaborative Infrastructure For Modern Software Teams | Spacelift

Spacelift is the CI/CD for infrastructure-as-code and policy as code. It enables collaboration, automates manual work and compliance, and lets teams customize and automate their workflows.

By xavierccm - - PHP-Système
CVE-2022-24828: Composer Command Injection Vulnerability

Please immediately update Composer to version 2.3.5, 2.2.12, or 1.10.26 (composer.phar self-update). The new releases include fixes for a command injection security vulnerability (CVE-2022-24828) reported by Thomas Chauchefoin from SonarSource. Fixes for

<> Aller on faut tous un `composer self-update --1`
By vgrebot - - PHP-Système
Rate Limiter (Symfony Docs)

C'est pas récent mais j'étais complètement passé à côté du composant rate-limiter de SF qui pourrait probablement remplacer les couches internes dévs pour auth en premier lieu <>
By xavierccm - - PHP-Système