With the release of Chrome 76, Google fixed a loophole that allowed web sites to detect if a visitor was using Incognito mode. Unfortunately, their fix led to two other methods that can still be used to detect when a visitor is browsing privately.
Headless Chrome Node API. Contribute to GoogleChrome/puppeteer development by creating an account on GitHub.
In our first in-depth post on JavaScript, we take a look at Iterators and Iterables
The dominant costs of processing JavaScript are download and CPU execution time.
“???? Perf tip: if your web app ships large JSON-like configuration as JavaScript object literals, consider using JSON.parse instead. It’s much faster, especially for cold loads! https://t.co/C0oQ4BLnfz”
Google is planning changes in Chrome impacting ad blocker extensions and people are wondering whether those changes are motivated by self-interest or whether there are plausible benign explanations. In this post I’ll attempt to summarize the background an
<secarch.dev> (retour et analyse des changements autour de manifest v3)
“CUSTOM TEMPLATES have finally been released in #GoogleTagManager! This is one of the biggest feature updates to GTM, and I’m pretty excited. To celebrate, here’s a #thread of goodies. Starting with my GUIDE: https://t.co/jihQs1ZJxq But that’s not all
( <twitter.com> )
A comprehensive guide to building custom templates (both tag templates and variable templates) in Google Tag Manager.
A set of thumbnail to fullscreen animations for image grids powered by Three.js
<tympanus.net> allez la prochaine fois on met un peu de three.js dans le diaporama :P
A proposal for enabling seamless navigations between sites or pages - WICG/portals
“???? I just shipped Promise.allSettled in Chrome 76 ???? More info: https://t.co/YpaDf223mA”
Découvrez le Tweet de @_gsathya : <twitter.com>
Orthogonally-informed combination of public and private fields proposals - tc39/proposal-class-fields
“In Chrome, any JavaScript files in a service worker cache are bytecode-cached automatically. This means there is 0 parse + compile cost for them on repeat visits. ???? https://t.co/WKpChON3Qg”
les mecs d'Opera ils ont :smoking: la moquette non ? mettre un cryptowallet dans leur navigateur ...on est d'accord que sur un ordi moderne, le browser est LE soft ayant le plus de failles de sécu ^^ ? ... même leur slogan "Moving from Web 2 to Web 3" fait daté en fait ... :confused:
Reborn 3 (Opera 60) was designed to improve people’s control over their privacy, security, and to give them access to Web 3, the Web of the future Hello, Today, we are launching Opera 60, codenamed Reborn 3. With this release, we believe we are setting a
tiens d'ailleurs dans le même esprit : <blogs.opera.com> "built-in VPN, ad blocking and Crypto Wallet" ..
<www.microsoftedgeinsider.com> si ça a échappé à certains.. et bon.. chrome avec un skin, chrome dernière version.. il y a même déjà le lien d'install spa dont je parlais l'autre jour (sans l'anim)..
In this post, we'll look at the new loading attribute which brings native <img> and <iframe> lazy-loading to the web!. For the curious, here&...
Google implemented a new experimental feature in the company's Chrome web browser recently that tries to make Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) more discoverable to users.
<www.ghacks.net> avec une ptite animation qui ajoute de la visibilité (du moins dans canary actuel )
Procedurally generated Chinese landscape painting. - LingDong-/shan-shui-inf