Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

By xavierccm - - Intégration
By xavierccm - - Intégration
Google Sheets vous permet de créer et de modifier des feuilles de calcul en ligne gratuitement

Créez une feuille de calcul et modifiez-la en même temps que vos collaborateurs, depuis votre ordinateur, votre téléphone ou votre tablette. Travaillez avec ou sans connexion Internet. Utilisez Google Sheets pour modifier des documents Excel. Produit Goog

<> (last values et graph by max)
By vor - - Intégration
Tailwind UI

Beautiful UI components by the creators of Tailwind CSS.

Tiens TailwindCSS qui a déjà été partagé plusieurs fois, vient de lancer en beta Tailwind UI, un set de composants ... <>
By dam75 - - Intégration
Amelia Wattenberger

La cascade Css joliment expliquée : <> Rien de nouveau ici mais c'est toujours bon de revoir les bases ;)
By eclergeot - - Intégration
MVP.css - Minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements

MVP.css - No classes, no framework. Just semantic HTML and you're done.

By alavenant - - Intégration
Ben Evans on Twitter

“It’s a Pure CSS Landscape! The finale to my pointless trilogy! It also has a trick up its sleeve, at the top of the CSS. Have fun! #cssart #cssartist #purecss #cssonly #frontend #sass @codepen”

By ernest - - Intégration
The Smallest Difference ï½¥ Robin Rendle

Robin Rendle is a designer from the UK and this is where he writes about publishing, networks and books.

By ernest - - Intégration
Let’s talk Neumorphism and Accessibility

Neomorphism is predicted to be one of the top 2020 UI design trends. You might have seen it everywhere as a Dribbbel shot. Neumorphism is…

<> ..
By vor - - Intégration
Design Systems for Developers

Discover how to build and maintain design systems using Storybook.

By jultou - - Intégration
By xavierccm - - Intégration
The State of JavaScript 2019: Front End Frameworks

Discover the most popular JavaScript features & technologies of the year.

By jultou - - Intégration
7 Uses for CSS Custom Properties

Custom properties (also known as CSS variables) allow us to store property values for re-use in our stylesheets. If you’re relatively new to…

By pcouy - - Intégration
backendlessConf_ | An online conference dedicated to the frontend

With the advent of JAMstack, frontend teams own entire product development workflows. At backendlessConf_ we are celebrating the makers, products, and ecosystem that are driving this new movement.

By jultou - - Intégration
Marrant cette utilisation des

Marrant cette utilisation des multiple-backgrounds : <>
By eclergeot - - Intégration
An extreme testing approach I'

An extreme testing approach I've seen is using a (i.e. background-image: url(?selector);) in the CSS block and then checking server logs over time to see if that image has been accessed. If it is accessed, it was used; if not, it wasn't.
By pcouy - - Intégration
How Do You Remove Unused CSS From a Site? | CSS-Tricks

Here's what I'd like you to know upfront: this is a hard problem. If you've landed here because you're hoping to be pointed at a tool you can run that

By pcouy - - Intégration