Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

Writing CSS In 2023: Is It Any Different Than A Few Years Ago? — Smashing Magazine

CSS is evolving faster than ever. With all of the new features that are now available — and forthcoming — since we got Flexbox and Grid years ago, the way we write CSS is evolving, too. In this article, Geoff Graham shares which features have had the most

Pour ceux qui ont raté des épisodes : un résumé de pas mal de choses dont on a déjà parlé ici : <>
By florent - - Intégration
The new @font-face syntax

Using variable fonts and color fonts with @font-face.

By florent - - Intégration
Modern Font Stack: les fonts n

Modern Font Stack: les fonts natives classifiées par style, pour un rendu ultra rapide. >
Offset parent and stacking context: positioning elements in all three dimensions | Polypane, The browser for ambitious web developers

They are fundamental CSS concepts you use every single day whether you know it or not: the offset parent and stacking context . In this article we'll explore how you can use them to position elements in all three…

By florent - - Intégration
CSS only floating labels

We can detect if text input has value by using `:placeholder-shown` pseudo class. This little trick can then be used to create CSS only floating labels.

By florent - - Intégration
Shines, Perspective, And Rotations: Fancy CSS 3D Effects For Images — Smashing Magazine

CSS has all kinds of tricks that are capable of turning images into neat, interactive elements. This article is a collection of fancy 3D effects for images that demonstrate those CSS powers.

By florent - - Intégration
Useful DevTools Tips and Tricks — Smashing Magazine

Let’s discover the most popular DevTools tips that can boost your productivity and revolutionize your debugging workflow.

By florent - - Intégration

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops standards and guidelines to help everyone build a web based on the principles of accessibility, internationalization, privacy and security.

Le nouveau site du W3C est en ligne : <>
By florent - - Intégration
The New CSS · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer

Matthias Ott is an independent user experience designer and developer from Stuttgart, Germany. Besides design practice he teaches Interface Prototyping at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel.

By florent - - Intégration
Allez y'a une promo sur les ca

Allez y'a une promo sur les carrousels, je t'en mets même deux (mais celui est assez stylé) >
Foundation for Emails 2 Docs

Use Foundation for Emails to design responsive HTML emails that work in any email client.

By xavierccm - - Intégration
margin-trim as a best practice? - Chris Coyier

It’s not every day there is a new “best practice” for CSS, since it’s such a huge, ubiquitous, and highly used language. But here’s one, maybe? If you add padding in the main flow direction of an element, adding margin-trim in that same direction. If you

By florent - - Intégration
Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023

In May 2023 over 90,000 developers responded to our annual survey about how they learn and level up, which tools they're using, and which ones they want.

By florent - - Intégration
Watch Transitions in Slow Motion in Chrome’s DevTools

Writing about the big beautiful mess that is making things for the world wide web.

By florent - - Intégration