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CSS Scroll Snap — How It Really Works – Noteworthy - The Journal Blog

Remember the days you needed JS to have a nice looking scrolling on your page (gallery, slide show etc.)? Say bye bye to JS and say hi to…

By davidb - - Intégration
Making Google Fonts Faster⚡ – Clio + Calliope – Medium

If you use Google Fonts on your website or web application, a few additional steps can lead to much faster load times. In this article, I…

By davidb - - Intégration
SVG Filter Effects: Conforming Text to Surface Texture with <feDisplacementMap> | Codrops

Learn how to make text conform to the texture of a surface using feDisplacementMap in this fifth article of our SVG Filter series.

By davidb - - Intégration
By ernest - - Intégration
#CodepenChallenge Canvas Times Tables (Circles)

_Created for the [February 2019 CodePen Challenge]( [For those interested in how it works](https://i.imgu...

By davidb - - Intégration
Making Future Interfaces: Inline SVG

There's SVG, and there's inline SVG. Learn why raster images suck, what's better about SVG, how to hand code SVG, and how to make generative art with SVG and...

By ernest - - Intégration
How to create a beating heart with pure CSS for your valentine

Each year on February 14th, many people exchange cards, candies, gifts or flowers with their special “valentine”. The day of romance we…

By davidb - - Intégration
By pcouy - - Intégration
Meet the chameleon menu – Goiabada

We needed to create a menu with dynamic styles — a chameleon that changes color in different backgrounds. Check out how we achieved it.

By davidb - - Intégration
Custom Cursor Effects | Codrops

A collection of five demos and a tutorial on how to create animated custom cursor effects for interactive elements like navigations, galleries and carousels.

By davidb - - Intégration
CSS Position Sticky - How It Really Works! – Elad Shechter – Medium

CSS position sticky has really good browser support, yet most developers aren’t using it.

By davidb - - Intégration
Putting the Flexbox Albatross to Real Use | CSS-Tricks

If you hadn't seen it, Heydon posted a rather clever flexbox layout pattern that, in a sense, mimics what you could do with a container query by forcing

By davidb - - Intégration

☕️ Barista: CSS unit testing with Javascript. Contribute to helpscout/seed-barista development by creating an account on GitHub.

By pcouy - - Intégration
2019 CSS Wishlist | CSS-Tricks

What do you wish CSS could do natively that it can't do now? First, let's review the last time we did this in 2013. ❌ "I'd like to be able to

By davidb - - Intégration

GitExplorer: Find the right git commands you need without digging through the web

By davidb - - Intégration
Designing the Flexbox Inspector – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

CSS Flexbox is an increasingly popular layout model that helps in building robust dynamic page layouts. However, it has a big learning curve! The new Flexbox Inspector, created by Firefox ...

By davidb - - Intégration
By davidb - - Intégration