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Preload, Prefetch And Priorities in Chrome – reloading

Today we’ll dive into insights from Chrome’s networking stack to provide clarity on how web loading primitives (like <link rel=“preload”> …

By sylvain - - PHP-Système
Mapping 5,000 Years of City Growth

I recently stumbled upon a great dataset. It’s the first to provide comprehensive data for world city sizes as far back as 3700BC. The authors (Meredith Reba, Femke Reitsma & Karen Seto) …

<@U0319V9SH> <>
By bmeli - - (Open) Data
By olivier - - PHP-Système
Projects –

Learn about all our projects.

Google kiff le PHP <>
By sylvain - - PHP-Système
By sylvain - - PHP-Système
Mark Rowe on Twitter

“Looks like GitHub will now suggest reviewers on pull requests based on who recently edited the files that the PR touches ????”

Super ça <>
By sylvain - - PHP-Système

email-hybrid - A responsive email template based on Hybrid method. Linked with this french article

By dsyren - - Intégration
MJML - The Responsive Email Framework

The only framework that makes responsive email easy. MJML is a markup language designed to reduce the pain of coding a responsive email. Its semantic syntax makes it easy and straightforward while its rich standard components library fastens your developm

By sylvain - - Intégration
Foundation for Emails | Responsive Email Templates

Pour info je ne sais pas si vous avez déjà pris des exemples ou des tips de ça pour les mails : <>
By sylvain - - Intégration
JavaScript Charts & Maps - amCharts

JavaScript / HTML5 charts and maps data-viz libraries for web sites and applications. Fast and responsive. WordPress plugin available. Developed since 2006.

y'a celle là aussi : <>
By vincent - - Javascript
AnyChart - Fast and reliable HTML5 JavaScript Charts, Maps, Gantt and Stock graphs .

Fast and reliable JavaScript Charts, Maps, Gantt and Stock graphs. Dozens of chart types, hundreds of features. Trusted by tens of thousands of developers all over the world.

By urenaud - - Javascript

<@U0EMFAV46|urenaud> uploaded a file: <|Untitled>
By urenaud - - SEO
Google Search Console

Utilisez Search Console pour contrôler les données relatives aux résultats de recherche Google pour vos sites Web.

pour cuisine, le markup était déjà en place pour ces rich cards <>
By sos-seo - - SEO
Rich Cards and Google's Structured Data Restructuring

On 17 May 2016 Google made a number of changes to their structured data site and introduced a successor to rich snippets, rich cards.

Il semblerait oui : <>
By sylvain - - SEO

view-source:> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"http:\","@type":"Recipe","author":"Anna_Paola_Bellini","cookTime":"PTM","datePublished":"2017-03-17","description":"La pastella a base di birra e farina &egrave; una preparazione ideale&nbsp;per rendere i vostri fritti (che&nbsp;siano di verdure o di pesce) leggeri e croccanti. Vi proponiamo di seguito la ricetta base da utilizzare per le vostre fritture.\n","image":"http:\","recipeIngredient":["Farina: 200 g&nbsp;","Birra chiara: 300 ml&nbsp;","Sale: q.b","Pepe: q.b",""],"name":"Pastella con la birra","prepTime":"PT5M","recipeInstructions":["Versare la farina in una ciotola e aggiungervi la birra a filo mescolando continuamente in modo da evitare la formazione di grumi.&nbsp;\n","Quando il composto sar&agrave; liscio e omogeneo salare e pepare a piacere. Lasciar riposare in frigo per 30 minuti.\n","Trascorso questo tempo la pastella &egrave; pronta per essere utilizzata per fritture di pesce o verdure. Immergervi dunque l&#39;ingrediente e friggere in abbondante olio caldo.\n"],"recipeYield":null,"aggregateRating":{"@type":"AggregateRating","ratingValue":0,"reviewCount":0}} </script>
By sylvain - - SEO

view-source:> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"http:\","@type":"Recipe","author":"Anna_Paola_Bellini","cookTime":"PTM","datePublished":"2017-03-17","description":"La pastella a base di birra e farina &egrave; una preparazione ideale&nbsp;per rendere i vostri fritti (che&nbsp;siano di verdure o di pesce) leggeri e croccanti. Vi proponiamo di seguito la ricetta base da utilizzare per le vostre fritture.\n","image":"http:\","recipeIngredient":["Farina: 200 g&nbsp;","Birra chiara: 300 ml&nbsp;","Sale: q.b","Pepe: q.b",""],"name":"Pastella con la birra","prepTime":"PT5M","recipeInstructions":["Versare la farina in una ciotola e aggiungervi la birra a filo mescolando continuamente in modo da evitare la formazione di grumi.&nbsp;\n","Quando il composto sar&agrave; liscio e omogeneo salare e pepare a piacere. Lasciar riposare in frigo per 30 minuti.\n","Trascorso questo tempo la pastella &egrave; pronta per essere utilizzata per fritture di pesce o verdure. Immergervi dunque l&#39;ingrediente e friggere in abbondante olio caldo.\n"],"recipeYield":null,"aggregateRating":{"@type":"AggregateRating","ratingValue":0,"reviewCount":0}} </script>
By sylvain - - SEO

view-source:> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"http:\","@type":"Recipe","author":"Anna_Paola_Bellini","cookTime":"PTM","datePublished":"2017-03-17","description":"La pastella a base di birra e farina &egrave; una preparazione ideale&nbsp;per rendere i vostri fritti (che&nbsp;siano di verdure o di pesce) leggeri e croccanti. Vi proponiamo di seguito la ricetta base da utilizzare per le vostre fritture.\n","image":"http:\","recipeIngredient":["Farina: 200 g&nbsp;","Birra chiara: 300 ml&nbsp;","Sale: q.b","Pepe: q.b",""],"name":"Pastella con la birra","prepTime":"PT5M","recipeInstructions":["Versare la farina in una ciotola e aggiungervi la birra a filo mescolando continuamente in modo da evitare la formazione di grumi.&nbsp;\n","Quando il composto sar&agrave; liscio e omogeneo salare e pepare a piacere. Lasciar riposare in frigo per 30 minuti.\n","Trascorso questo tempo la pastella &egrave; pronta per essere utilizzata per fritture di pesce o verdure. Immergervi dunque l&#39;ingrediente e friggere in abbondante olio caldo.\n"],"recipeYield":null,"aggregateRating":{"@type":"AggregateRating","ratingValue":0,"reviewCount":0}} </script>
By sylvain - - SEO
About - Materialize

Materialize is a modern responsive CSS framework based on Material Design by Google.

By pascalroux - - Intégration