Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

Open data : l’enjeu clef des transports intelligents

Programmer un itinéraire qui en fonction de la météo du jour oriente vers le vélo ou le train, éviter le tramway qui a dix minutes de retard...

By urenaud - - (Open) Data
Refactoring with the Advanced Boy Scout Rule - Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality

When we join teams to coach them with refactoring their legacy code base, many of them are overwhelmed by the sheer mass of code. That typically results in the request for \"some refactoring sprints\" or even \"a complete rewrite\". Both is obviously not

By sylvain - - PHP-Système
What is the Future of Front End Web Development? | CSS-Tricks

I was asked to do a little session on this the other day. I'd say I'm underqualified to answer the question, as is any single person. If you really needed

By davidb - - Intégration
Mixfont | A modern font generator

Whether you're designing a website or writing a paper, Mixfont is simple way to choose beautiful fonts that work well together.

By davidb - - Intégration
Learn CSS Grid - A Guide to Learning CSS Grid Layout

A comprehensive guide to help you understand and learn CSS Grid Layout, by Jonathan Suh.

By davidb - - Intégration

<@U0319V9SH|vincent> uploaded a file: <> and commented: Chapitre de la prochaine édition d'un bouquin allemand sur R, qui parle de la génération de cartes choropleth avec R et ... Mapael :slightly_smiling_face:
By vincent - - (Open) Data
L'élection, la carte et le territoire : le succès en trompe-l’œil de la géographie — Géoconfluences

Géoconfluences, une publication à caractère scientifique pour le partage du savoir et pour la formation en géographie. Elle est proposée par la Direction générale de l'enseignement scolaire (Dgesco) et par l'École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon).

By vincent - - (Open) Data

npm - a package manager for javascript

By lneveu - - Javascript
Marketplace données - Plateforme Open Data, Big Data, Smart Cities et IoT

DataRendezVous est une marketplace de la donnée pour les villes, entreprises et data scientists (plateforme Open data, smart city, iot, APIs, dashboards)

By bmeli - - (Open) Data
Symfony 3.3.0 curated new features

Symfony 3.3.0 has just been released.

By sylvain - - PHP-Système
James Friend on Twitter

“TIL you can make CSS attribute selectors case insensitive by putting an 'i' after the attr="value" part”

By ernest - - Intégration
Welcome to | Devuan GNU+Linux Free Operating System

Free GNU+Linux base OS. Devuan is a fork of Debian without systemd. Devuan Jessie provides a safe upgrade path from Debian, to ensure the right to Init Freedom and avoid entanglement.

Bon on passe quand à Devuan ? La version 1.0 et là : <>
By sylvain - - PHP-Système

pix2code: Generating Code from a Graphical User Interface Screenshot

By pascalroux - - Intégration

Are you sick of clicking 'back to top' buttons on websites, and being lifted to the top without a real elevator experience? Elevator.js is here to help.

:slightly_smiling_face: <>
By anthony - - Javascript
Nick Craver - HTTPS on Stack Overflow: The End of a Long Road

Today, we deployed HTTPS by default on Stack Overflow. All traffic is now redirected to https:// and Google links will change over the next few weeks. The ac...

Chez Stack OverfLow l'histoire du passage sur HTTPS : <>
By pascalroux - - PHP-Système