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An Introduction to the `fr` CSS unit | CSS-Tricks

With all the excitement around CSS Grid, I haven't seen as much talk about the new fr CSS length unit (here's the spec). And now that browser support is ra

By davidb - - Intégration
Les belles promesses de rapidité du HTTP/2... et la réalité

De plus en plus de sites utilisent le nouveau protocole imaginé pour les rendre plus performants. Mais les bénéfices ne sont pas toujours là.

By red - - PHP-Système

kickoff-docker-php - :whale: :elephant: :rocket: Easily setup a PHP project with Docker

Des idées à prendre là dedans ? <>
By red - - PHP-Système
Frédéric Bouchery on Twitter

“I predict an increase of warning errors when people will migrate to #PHP 7.2 :”

By red - - PHP-Système
Introducing Memsniff: A Robust Memcache Traffic Analyzer | Box Blog

At Box, our cloud service evolved from a just handful of application servers and databases into a high scale, high performance collaboration platform. Like most large-scale web companies, we depend on a distributed caching tier for frequently accessed dat

By sylvain - - PHP-Système
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 59)  |  Web  |  Google Developers

New features and changes coming to DevTools in Chrome 59.

By davidb - - Intégration
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 60)  |  Web  |  Google Developers

New features and changes coming to DevTools in Chrome 60.

By alavenant - - Javascript

chromeless - ???? Chrome automation made simple. Runs locally or headless on AWS Lambda.

By alavenant - - Javascript
American Runners Have Never Been Slower (Mega Study) | Running Shoes Reviews

For this Mega Study, we have analyzed 34,680,750 results from 28,732 different races. American race runners are steadily getting slower across all four major race distances – 5 Kilometer, 10 Kilometer, Half Marathon, and Marathon. In this study, we analyz

By anthony - - (Open) Data
Roomba's Next Big Step Is Selling Maps of Your Home to the Highest Bidder

The Roomba is generally regarded as a cute little robot friend that no one but dogs would consider to be a potential menace. But for the last couple of years, the robovacs have been quietly mapping homes to maximize efficiency. Now, the device’s makers pl

By bmeli - - (Open) Data
HTTP/2 Server Push on Netlify | Netlify

HTTP/2 server push is a performance optimization included in version 2 of the HTTP protocol. Today, we’re enabling HTTP/2 server push for all our customers who use encrypted connections on their websites.

By dam75 - - Performance web
Why Is a String Called a String? — SitePoint

Did you know the history of the "string" in computation stretches back all the way to 1944? Come learn why strings are strings, and where they come from!

By vincent - - PHP-Système
Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files

Google Drive is a free way to keep your files backed up and easy to reach from any phone, tablet, or computer. Start with 15GB of Google storage – free.

trick du jour Google Drive (perso ou pro) : pour connaitre les fichiers qui consomment le plus d'espace : <>
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
By davidb - - Intégration
By davidb - - Intégration
Quand la Suède balance dans la nature les données personnelles de millions de ses citoyens... - Korben

On en sait un peu plus sur la fuite de données qu'a subi la Suède en 2015 et 2 ans plus tard, on peut clairement dire que celle-ci est à classer dans la catégorie des fuites de données "ultra violentes qui piquent++". En 2015, l'Agence Suédoise du Transpo

Ouch ouch ouch <>
By xavierccm - - (Open) Data
Postgres Query Plan Visualization -

Postgres Explain Visualizer (Pev) is a tool I wrote to make EXPLAIN output easier to grok. It creates a graphical representation of the query plan.

By red - - PHP-Système