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Netflix UI Engineers on Twitter

“Removing client-side React.js (but keeping it on the server) resulted in a 50% performance improvement on our landing page”

Découvrez le Tweet de @NetflixUIE : <>
By dsyren - - Javascript
Full-stack React + GraphQL Tutorial – Apollo GraphQL

Part 1 — the frontend: Declarative data fetching and mocking with Apollo

By olivier - - Javascript
Stacks | StackShare

Learn about the technology stacks behind some of the world's best software companies. See which tools and services they use, and how they're using them.

By alavenant - - Javascript
Technos et Stacks des entreprises du digital | Welcome to the Jungle

Trouvez les entreprises qui vous correspondent fonction des technologies qu'elles utilisent côté backend (Ruby, PHP, Python, etc.) ou frontend (React, Angular, etc.) mais aussi fonction de ce qu'elles utilisent côté monitoring, intégration ...

By olivier - - Javascript
Google's mobile-first index has rolled out for some sites & will be implemented very slowly

Gary Illyes from Google would not give us any timelines, but the rollout of the mobile-first index is going well, and a blog post about the process should be out soon.

By dsyren - - SEO
Google Updates SEO Advice for Tabbed Content in Mobile First

Google has previously confirmed that for mobile first indexing, having content in tabs is fine. It makes for a better user experience on smaller mobile screens, so Google has been clear that they don’t tend to demote content behind tabs, something that ha

By olivier - - SEO
Google: Potential Spam Issues With Changing Article Dates

When Google began adding dates to the snippets in their search results, it became obvious that for some types of searches, fresher dates could help click throughs.  But for a lot of results, Google doesn’t show the date, even for content that is clearly d

By olivier - - SEO
By olivier - - Javascript
By bmeli - - (Open) Data
What you need to know about HTTP/2

In chatting with other developers, many identify why HTTP/2 is something to be excited about but are unsure how to optimize their applications to take advantage of it. This article should make that more clear. HTTP/2 is here to make connections faster and

By dsyren - - PHP-Système
Testez la qualité de votre site Internet avec Sonar, l'outil open source de Microsoft - Blog du Modérateur

Microsoft lance Sonar, un outil en ligne pour tester les performances de son site web. Vous n'avez qu'à saisir l'adresse de votre site pour lancer le scan

By elehoux - - PHP-Système
Relay - A JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications

A JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications

By pascalroux - - PHP-Système
Apollo Client 2.0 – Apollo GraphQL

The universal way to manage your application state with GraphQL

By alavenant - - PHP-Système
By dsyren - - PHP-Système
HTML5test on Twitter

“Chrome 62 for iOS contains the Payment Request API. This is interesting and important for a number of reasons. 1/x”

By xavierccm - - Javascript
Now – Realtime global deployments

realtime global deployments

By dsyren - - PHP-Système