Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

aeris on Twitter

“@tiphedor @Cycy200105 @fenarinarsa Les 1ers bench montrent par exemple 50% de perte de perfs sur les i7 8700k au niveau des i/o. Entre 10 et 15% de pertes de perf sur du postgresql et du redis.”

By platypus - - PHP-Système
Retour d'expériences - Implémentation AMP chez M6 Web

AMP est désormais partout dans les SERPS : articles simples, actualités, recettes de cuisine, ecommerce et depuis peu featured snippets et adwords ! Ce gain …

By dsyren - - Performance web
Front-End Tools: My Favorite Finds of 2017 | CSS-Tricks

Louis Lazaris examines a few of his favorites finds of 2017 in the area of practical and interesting tools for front-end developers.

By davidb - - Intégration
How to recreate Medium’s article layout with CSS Grid

When people think of CSS Grid they normally envision image grid layouts and full web pages. However, CSS Grid is actually a superb…

By davidb - - Intégration
Les 10 tendances graphiques de 2018

Le flat design survivra-t-il une année de plus ?

By red - - Intégration
Introduction to modern network load balancing and proxying

It was brought to my attention recently that there is a dearth of introductory educational material available about modern network load…

By red - - PHP-Système
Alexis Karklins on Twitter

“Une dataviz intéressante sur la démographie française. On voit bien 4 phénomènes : - "l'héliotropisme" (vive le sud !) - "la ruée vers l'ouest" (vive l'Atlantique !) - l'attractivité des grandes métropoles régionales - la migration des Parisiens vers l

By vleborgne - - (Open) Data
2017 Staff Favorites | CSS-Tricks

It's been a very productive year for the web community, and as all of us here at CSS-Tricks roamed around to conferences, read posts, and built projects, t

By davidb - - Intégration
Firefox 57 delays requests to tracking domains - mayhemer's blog

Firefox Quantum – version 57 – introduced number of changes to the network requests scheduler.  One of them is using data of the Tracking Protection database to delay load of scripts from tracking domains when possible during the time a page is actively l

<> Firefox Quantum retarde le chargement de scripts de tracking
By urenaud - - Performance web
Qu’est-ce que le Data Lake, le nouveau concept "Big Data" en vogue

Le Data Lake doit permettre, enfin, de casser les silos des systèmes d’information. C’est aussi un moyen de gagner en agilité. L'expert Vincent Heuschling répond aux questions du JDN.

By urenaud - - (Open) Data
CSS Glitch Effect | Codrops

An experimental glitch effect powered by CSS animations and the clip-path property. Inspired by the technique seen on the speakers page of the 404 conference.

By davidb - - Intégration

By davidb - - Intégration
Want to learn CSS Grid? Here’s my free full-length course. Merry Christmas!

13 interactive screencasts to take you from beginner to advanced.

By davidb - - Intégration
One vs. many — Why we moved

One vs. many — Why we moved from multiple git repos to a monorepo and how we set it up >

<@U0311DJD5> uploaded a file: <|Ca aussi>
By olivier - - SEO

Find the performance impact of adding a npm package to your bundle.

By red - - Javascript
Is Taylor Otwell Right About Fabien’s Statement on Symfony’s Benchmark?

Symfony has recently released two versions, 3.4 and 4.0,

By red - - PHP-Système
PHPStan 0.9: A Huge Leap Forward – Ondřej Mirtes – Medium

It's been a year since I unveiled PHPStan to the world. After 19 releases, more than 480,000 downloads (clocking around 3,600 daily during…

By sylvain - - PHP-Système
En responsive, tous les 100px

En responsive, tous les 100px une version différente de ce site: view-source:>