Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

The 2018 Web Developer Roadmap – codeburst

An illustrated guide to becoming a Frontend or Backend Developer with links to courses

By vincent - - PHP-Système

Get insight into the performance of the website in the current tab - sort of a mini live version of WebPageTest

Extension Chrome - Performance analyser <>
By lneveu - - Javascript
Page Analytics (by Google)

The Page Analytics Chrome Extension allows you to see how customers interact with your web pages.

By jultou - - SEO
What to consider when creating line charts

Line charts are great to show how your data developed over time. Since that’s something that’s often useful, line charts are a classic in the chart world. It’s hard to mess them up and your readers ca

By bmeli - - (Open) Data
Long Tail Keyword Tool | Get Keyword Suggestions that Work

HitTail is the only keyword tool that analyzes your website's traffic and generates long tail keywords highly relevant to your audience.

By jultou - - SEO
Vocabulaires dans le web de données : quels outils open-source ? - Sparna Blog

Je travaille régulièrement sur des projets de gestion et/ou de mise en ligne de vocabulaires (thesaurus, taxonomies) en SKOS : pour l’UNESCO – voir le précédent billet -, l’INED (thesaurus Popin), le Luxembourg, l’IRSTEA ou le Réseau Canopé (vocabulaire S

By vincent - - (Open) Data

d3-sparql - Query a SPARQL endpoint with a SELECT query & get the data in a d3js-useful format

By bmeli - - (Open) Data
CSS Grid

Learn all about CSS Grid with Wes Bos in this free video series!

By davidb - - Intégration
Adele - Design Systems and Pattern Libraries Repository

Dozens of design systems and pattern libraries thoroughly analyzed. Learn, enjoy, contribute!

By davidb - - Intégration
PostgreSQL 10: Partitions of... partitions!

PostgreSQL version 10 brings a much anticipated feature: Table Partitioning. There are a few gotchas you have to keep in mind when using this new feature: No PK allowed; No ON CONFLICT clauses; etc... In my experience, these are all just slight annoyances

By sylvain - - PHP-Système
By sylvain - - Intégration
Google Home : 80% de ses réponses sont issues des Featured Snippets [étude] - Actualité Abondance

19 janvier 2018 - Une étude récemment publiée indique que, lorsque Google Home réussit à répondre à une question énoncée vocalement, 80% de des informations fournies le sont par Actualité Abondance

By bmeli - - SEO

<@U030B2KBR> uploaded a file: <|extrait>
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
JDN : E-business, FinTech, Big Data, IoT, tendances média, décideurs...

Actualité, analyses, dossiers, tendances, interviews : tous les jours, JDN vous propose le meilleur de l'actualité

bon ça doit pas trop marcher leurs checks, car j'ai lancé sur <> et il voit plein de mixed content là ou les navigateurs en voient pas ...
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
SSL Certificate Monitoring - Oh Dear!

Uptime monitoring, certificate expirations & transparency reporting and mixed content checking. Website monitoring without the hassle.

Un pingdom du pauvre, mais surtout axé https (check de mixed content, de certificat, d'expiration, ...) <> peut servir lors de la sortie de nos 1ers sites https ?
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
It is *not* possible to detect and block Chrome headless

An updated example of techniques to avoid detection.

By alavenant - - Javascript
pineapple mango ghost bot on Twitter

“OMG @nodejs v4.x is end of life in 3 months v6.x is maintenance in 3 months v9.x is end of life in 3 months v10.x is coming out in 3 months Life comes at you fast”

J'hésite avec troll <>
By ernest - - Javascript
Meet the New Dialog Element

HTML 5.2 has introduced a new &lt;dialog&gt; element for native modal dialog boxes. At first glance, it seems fairly straightforward (and it is), but as I’ve been playing around with it, I’ve found it

By davidb - - Intégration
Making WebAssembly even faster: Firefox’s new streaming and tiering compiler – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

People call WebAssembly a game changer because it makes it possible to run code on the web faster. Some speedups are already present, and some are yet to come. With ...

By anthony - - Javascript
Using page speed in mobile search ranking

Official news on crawling and indexing sites for the Google index

By anthony - - SEO