Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

The year of the graph: Getting graphic, going native, reshaping the landscape | ZDNet

The year of the graph is here. Do you really need a graph database, and, if yes, how do you choose one?

By bmeli - - (Open) Data
CSS Grid layout — crossed sections – Deemaze Writing Wall – Medium

An introduction to CSS Grid and its potential with a practical example.

By davidb - - Intégration
Building a Good Download... Button? | CSS-Tricks

The semantics inherent in HTML elements tell us what we’re supposed to use them for. Need a heading? You’ll want a heading element. Want a paragraph? Our t

By davidb - - Intégration
Démarrer avec Docker, Symfony et Vue.js

Dans cet article nous allons vous décrire comment configurer un projet Docker, Symfony et Vue.js

<> (ça aurait aussi pu être dans <#C0327M8L0|veille-js> )
By xavierccm - - PHP-Système
GitHub on Twitter

“Query your Linux, macOS, and Windows infrastructure like a database with osquery: Great for intrusion detection, infrastructure reliability, compliance, and more.”

By xavierccm - - PHP-Système
What Makes A Really Good Email? – Really Good Emails

First off, what is Really Good Emails? It’s a Internet website that tries to put together the best emails in the universe in one place…

By davidb - - Intégration
How to use variable fonts in the real world – Clear(left) Thinking – Medium

Using variable fonts in the real production context is tricky. Learn how we achieved it for the new Ampersand website.

By davidb - - Intégration
Mitchell Hashimoto on Twitter

“Excited to see Ansible merge a module for Terraform: We’re planning/working on more integrations with Ansible across our tooling, too!”

By xavierccm - - PHP-Système
Deep learning technology is now being used to put Nic Cage in every movie

Last month, Motherboard reported on a Redditor using deep learning technology to map female celebrities’ faces onto pornographic performers, with startlingly lifelike results. By scanning a bunch of images of a celebrity’s face, the software was able to i

By vincent - - (Open) Data
Taux de césariennes, d’épisiotomies... : comparez les maternités près de chez vous

« Le Monde » s’est procuré les données des actes médicaux pratiqués pendant les accouchements, établissement par établissement, en 2016.

By bmeli - - (Open) Data

<@U030B2KBR> uploaded a file: <|bon allez je vous mets d'accord sur la paternité de la veille sur prismic ^^>
By dam75 - - PHP-Système | Libraries and tools

We provide libraries and tools to help you speed up your workflow.

chez prismic, il semble qu'ils aient professionnalisés pas mal la chose, tout est dispo pour propager leurs api en tout cas : <>, de mes souvenirs il s'agissait plus d'une timeline produit à l'époque
By anthony - - PHP-Système

Créez un site professionnel et polyvalent avec e-majine, un CMS complet pour réaliser tous vos sites internet

(pour les braves <> )
By pcouy - - PHP-Système

<@U1F1SEPB6> uploaded a file: <|moi quand je vois ça, j'me dis qu'il faudrait s'y intéresseer, indeed>
By wifi - - PHP-Système
By sylvain - - PHP-Système
Shrinking WebAssembly and JavaScript code sizes in Emscripten – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

Emscripten is a compiler toolchain for asm.js and WebAssembly which lets you run C and C++ on the web at near-native speed. Emscripten output sizes have decreased a lot recently, ...

By vor - - Javascript
CSS Paint API  |  Web  |  Google Developers

Houdini’s CSS Paint API allows you to programmatically draw CSS images.

By davidb - - Intégration