Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

Native mobile apps with Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript - NativeScript

Fully free, open source mobile framework. Build truly native iOS and Android mobile apps. Get 100% native API access with Javascript, TypeScript or Angular.

By alavenant - - Javascript
Introducing Vue Native – GeekyAnts – Medium

We at GeekyAnts are very excited to share one of our side projects which we have been working for a while, Vue Native!

“Introducing Vue Native” <>
By xavierccm - - Javascript
Laura Motet, Data journaliste

Présentation du métier de Data journaliste par Laura Motet, à l'occasion du EdFab Meetup dédié aux nouveaux métiers de la data et de l'IA

By bmeli - - (Open) Data
Concurrent marking in V8

A blog by the V8 team for JavaScript enthusiast that want to get a glimpse 'under the hood' of Chrome's JavaScript engine.

By vor - - Javascript
GraphQL: Everything You Need to Know – Weblab Technology – Medium

So you’ve been constructing and using REST API’s for quite some time now and short while ago started hearing about GraphQL — a new hype in…

Pour compléter sur GraphQL :slightly_smiling_face: <>
By lneveu - - Javascript
John Resig semble bien aimer G

John Resig semble bien aimer GraphQL, <> :slightly_smiling_face:
By anthony - - Javascript
Le SEO face au Machine Learning, comment s&#039;adapter ? | SEMrush community

Le Machine Learning est en train de révolutionner notre monde. Le SEO est également concerné ! Zoom sur le SEO face au Machine Learning et voyons ensemble comment nous devons nous adapter.

By olivier - - SEO
Google: Types of Links That Googlebot Will & Will Not Follow

At Google I/O yesterday, Google clarified the types of links that Googlebot will follow.  While &qout;a href&qout; is the standard link type, they also covered various other link types and whether Googlebot would follow them or not. In particular, they cl

Rien de nouveau mais au cas ou : <>
By olivier - - SEO
GDPR — The Grandmaster Challenge by Ogury

GDPR — The Grandmaster Challenge by Ogury

By davidb - - Intégration
SleekDB - A NoSQL Database made using PHP

SleekDB is a simple NoSQL database that store data in plain JSON files. Intentionally SleekDB is not designed for heavy-load IO operations, it is designed to have a simple solution where we need a database for managing few gigabytes of data. SleekDB works

By red - - PHP-Système
This is what the best of data journalism looks like

After a year of hard work, collecting and sifting through hundreds of data projects from around the world, the news is finally out. The…

By bmeli - - (Open) Data
Officiel : Microsoft s'est offert GitHub pour 7,5 milliards de dollars - Business - Numerama

Microsoft a confirmé qu'il s'est offert GitHub, une plateforme web pour héberger et gérer des logiciels en coopération. De quoi inquiéter les défenseurs du logiciel libre ? Pas forcément.

By ernest - - PHP-Système
By lneveu - - Javascript
Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) - Chrome Platform Status

Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) is an algorithm that can identify and block dubious cross-origin resource loads in web browsers before they reach the web page. CORB reduces the risk of leaking sensitive data by keeping it further from cross-origin web p

après le cors : le corb : <>
By vor - - Javascript
To Yarn and Back (to npm) Again | Mixmax Engineering Blog

Last year, we decided to move all of our JavaScript projects from npm to Yarn. Click to continue

By vor - - Javascript
Un nouveau langage orienté or

Un nouveau langage orienté orchestration, micro services :open_mouth: j'avais jamais entendu parlé, mais la syntaxe est "jolie" ^^ <> (+ exemples de codes et tuto : <
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
Cloud Native Programming Language

Ballerina makes it easy to create resilient services that integrate and orchestrate transactions across distributed endpoints.

Un nouveau langage orienté orchestration, micro services :open_mouth: j'avais jamais entendu parlé, mais la syntaxe est "jolie" ^^ <> (+ exemples de codes et tuto : <
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
pour ceux que ca interesse, un

pour ceux que ca interesse, un access gratuit à AI Paris 2018: <>
By ernest - - PHP-Système
A first look at using web packaging to improve AMP URLs

One of the top pieces of feedback that people share about AMP is about the “…” URLs that are used when linking to a piece of AMP content in Google Search. A couple of months ago, the …

Ayé les 1ers tests de pages AMP servies sur l'url de l'éditeur sont en cours (WebPackaging) ... <@U0311DJD5> on pourrait regarder ? <>
By dam75 - - Javascript