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How Trump’s Trade War Went From 18 Products to 10,000

The battle began when the United States imposed tariffs on solar panels and washing machines. It has led to a global tit-for-tat targeting billions of dollars of goods.

By bmeli - - (Open) Data
Animate Calligraphy with SVG | CSS-Tricks

From time to time at Stackoverflow, the question pops up whether there is an equivalent to the stroke-dashoffset technique for animating the SVG stroke

By davidb - - Intégration
Physics-Based Background Scroll Effects

This article will show you how to create nifty physics-based background scroll effects for your web pages. We’ll be using Matter.js, an excellent open-source JavaScript framework, to handle the...

By davidb - - Intégration
The CSS Paint API | CSS-Tricks

The CSS Paint API is extremely exciting, not only for what it is, but what it represents, which is the beginning of a very exciting time for CSS. Let’s go

By davidb - - Intégration
Pattern Library First: An Approach For Managing CSS

CSS can be hard to manage across a project, especially when you need to include media queries for various breakpoints and fallbacks for older browsers. In this article, we will take a look at using Fractal to manage components which use CSS Grid.

By davidb - - Intégration
How to Visualize Recurring Patterns

Things have a way of repeating themselves, and it can be useful to highlight these patterns in data.

By bmeli - - (Open) Data
Here’s how we found the names and addresses of soldiers and secret agents using a simple fitness app

How can a simple running app let you identify military personnel, intelligence operatives, and other users &ndash; and even pinpoint their home address? In this piece, we explain step by step how we were able to do it.

By bmeli - - (Open) Data

vim.wasm - Vim editor ported to WebAssembly

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By vor - - Javascript
Goodbye Microservices: From 100s of problem children to 1 superstar

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably already know that microservices is the architecture du jour. Coming of age alongside this trend, Segment adopted this as a best practice early-on, which served us well in some cases, and, as you’ll soon

Je ne sais pas ou mettre ça <>
By alavenant - - PHP-Système
Il y a bien quelques jeux de d

Il y a bien quelques jeux de données de la SNCF comme celui-ci, mais je ne sais pas si ça répond à tes attentes : on&sort=date>
Le classement des lignes TGV et Intercités les moins ponctuelles - Le Figaro

Sur la période de mars à novembre 2017, 18% des TGV et 17% des Intercités ne sont pas arrivés aux heures prévues. Les gares de Lyon Part-Dieu, Paris-Lyon et Marseille Saint-Charles sont particulièrement sujettes à ces problèmes de ponctualité.

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By bmeli - - (Open) Data

By ernest - - PHP-Système
Les services de l’IGN accessibles gratuitement pour les collectivités territoriales

L’IGN vient d’annoncer la gratuité de l’ensemble de ses services en ligne pour les collectivités territoriales, mais aussi pour l’État et ses EPA, les EPCI et les SDIS. Un changement ...

<> C'est pas pour nous mais bon : La tarification a également été revue pour les autres acteurs, suivant une logique « freemium » avec une gratuité des services en ligne jusqu’à 2 millions de transactions par an pour usage grand public, 10000 pour un usage professionnel interne. L’open data est encore lointain, mais le changement de direction reste notable.
By vleborgne - - (Open) Data
Google clarifies the upcoming Speed Update only impacts the 'slowest sites' - Search Engine Land

Google clarifies that if you have a fast site, making it faster 'won't change things' with your rankings specific to the upcoming Speed Update.

By olivier - - SEO
Nommer ses commits

A presentation created with Slides.

By urenaud - - PHP-Système
By red - - Javascript