Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

Let's Encrypt est-il en train de passer de sauveur à single point of failure (SPOF) ?

Let's Encrypt continue de gagner en puissance et serait à l'origine de la moitié des certificats gérant les connexions chiffrées des sites que nous vi...

ça rappelle <> :stuck_out_tongue:
By pcouy - - PHP-Système
Let's Encrypt Status

Support for Let's Encrypt services is community-based and information on current status and outages can be found at:

<> c'est tout cassé...
By xavierccm - - PHP-Système
Why the New V8 is so Damn Fast

The entire V8 compiler pipeline was overhauled and shipped with Node.js version 8. This post investigates what speed improvements we can expect as a result.

By vor - - Javascript
I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences.

React vs Vue. Finally, a side-by-side code comparison between Vue and React! ????

By red - - Javascript
Hey Google, what's the latest news?

Official news on crawling and indexing sites for the Google index

By olivier - - SEO
Atlassian Cloud - G Suite Marketplace

View info and take action on issues, pull requests & pipelines from Jira Cloud and Bitbucket Cloud.

Add-On Jira pour gmail : permet de voir et d'éditer les infos d'une tâche reçue dans un mail directement depuis Gmail. C'est un add on donc marche sur tous les navigateurs, pas que sur Chrome :wink: (pas testé) <>
By dam75 - - PHP-Système
Le programme du salon data de

Le programme du salon data de Nantes est disponible : <>
By vleborgne - - (Open) Data
Solved with CSS! Logical Styling Based on the Number of Given Elements | CSS-Tricks

Did you know that CSS is Turing complete? Did you know that you can use it to do some pretty serious logical styling? Well you can! You don’t have to set all of your logic-based styling rules in JavaScript, or even have to use JavaScript to set classes yo

By davidb - - Intégration
Fractional. —

The more I work with CSS Grid, the more I’ve realized I’m a big fan of the fr unit. And it’s subtly changed how I think about grids.

By davidb - - Intégration
By vincent - - (Open) Data
Open data des décisions de justice : un marché sans foi ni loi

Les décisions de justice constituent des documents particuliers en raison de leur source - les institutions juridictionnelles - et de leur objet -...

By bmeli - - (Open) Data
Le code coverage, cet éternel incompris

Le code coverage ou la couverture de code par les tests en bon français est probablement l&#39;une des métriques les plus incomprise et l&#39;un des concepts les plus maltraité lorsqu&#39;on parle de tests logiciels et de qualité de code en général....

By ernest - - PHP-Système
Mislav Marohnić on Twitter

“We’re finally finished removing jQuery from frontend. What did we replace it with? No framework whatsoever: • querySelectorAll, • fetch for ajax, • delegated-events for event handling, • polyfills for standard DOM stuff, • Custom

By lneveu - - Javascript
"Linked Open Statistics — Pa

"Linked Open Statistics — Paris Hackathon" "Its main objectives are to: Develop programs to create or enrich RDF statistical datasets; Create RDF links between those datasets and other data; Develop programs that use the datasets in a valuable way (query, explore, visualize, export, etc.); Evaluate or test software packages that perform all or part of the previous activities." >

penthouse - Generate critical css for your urls

By davidb - - Intégration
Affaire Benalla : l'audition de Gérard Collomb en chiffres

Nous avons analysé l'intervention de Gérard Collomb face aux députés lundi pour en extraire les mots les plus prononcés par le ministre de l'Intéri...

By bmeli - - (Open) Data
Versatile CSS-Only Ripple Effect

Achieve simple lightweight material-design ripple effects using only background properties and css animations, with tutorial and examples....

By davidb - - Intégration
Stylable - scoped CSS for components

Stylable is an open-source CSS preprocessor that extends and scopes CSS for components, resolving to flat, vanilla, cross-browser CSS at build time.

By davidb - - Intégration
CSS-in-JS: FTW || WTF? | CSS-Tricks

I enjoyed Bruce Lawson's talk on this holiest of wars. It's funny and lighthearted while being well researched and fairly portraying the good arguments on

By davidb - - Intégration