Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

Éléments de langage : un an de paroles de ministres décryptées - Le Figaro

L'analyse sémantique de 909 interviews révèle les éléments de langage, conscients ou inconscients, utilisés par les ministres.

By bmeli - - (Open) Data
By bmeli - - (Open) Data
Repositories - why and how not to use them? - SkaTech

Once upon a time, I met a project that, on the backend, had only controllers and services. No domain objects and no repositories. This is what I've learned from it.

By red - - PHP-Système
Point de vue

Une note laissée hier sur Mastodon et qui n’a jamais été autant partagée depuis que j’écris au travers de ce réseau social1. Je me dis qu’elle mérite peut-êt...

By red - - (Open) Data
Parallax Self Portrait (Use Mouse on Desktop and Tilt on Mobile)

I drew a self-portrait using a Wacom tablet a few years ago. Here I’m using JS to detect device tilt or mouse movement to create a sense of depth to th...

By davidb - - Intégration
Create Infographics, Reports and Maps - Infogram

Infogram is an easy to use infographic and chart maker. Create and share beautiful infographics, online reports and interactive maps. Make your own here.

By ym.leporschauvel - - (Open) Data
Rennes. Combien de bébés nés en 2018 portent le même prénom que le votre ?

Info Rennes Rennes Combien de bébés nés en 2018 portent le même prénom que le votre - Rennes

By ym.leporschauvel - - (Open) Data
Simplifying Kubernetes with Docker Compose and Friends - Docker Blog

Today we’re happy to announce we’re open sourcing our support for using Docker Compose on Kubernetes. We’ve had this capability in Docker Enterprise for a little while but as of today you will be able to use this on any Kubernetes cluster you choose. Why

<> Docker compose va pouvoir être supporté par kubernetes
By xavierccm - - PHP-Système
Setting up PhpStorm for PHP development with Docker Containers

In this stream Adam Culp (@adamculp) set up PhpStorm to be ready for local PHP development using a Docker multiple container configuration with PHP/Apache, a...

By ernest - - PHP-Système
Container Stack - The cloud native conference on container devOps

Container Stack - The cloud native conference on container devOps

By xavierccm - - PHP-Système
GitLab 11.6 released with Serverless and Group-level Clusters

GitLab 11.6 released with Serverless and Group-level Kubernetes Clusters for even greater cloud native simplicity.

By xavierccm - - PHP-Système
Comma-Separated Tree

An Observable notebook by Mike Bostock.

By vincent - - (Open) Data
By red - - PHP-Système
Based on a *True* True Story? — Information is Beautiful

Visually browse the best of Hollywood "true" stories, scene by scene, to see how true or false they really are.

By bmeli - - (Open) Data

Contribute to tc39/proposal-javascript-standard-library development by creating an account on GitHub.

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By vor - - Javascript
Should design a new standard library? · Issue #19 · tc39/proposal-javascript-standard-library

These are some fundamental questions I&#39;ve heard from folks when I discuss built-in modules with JavaScript developers. Have you heard these concerns, or any other concerns that aren&#39;t track...

<> <> ..
By vor - - Javascript
coulmont on Twitter

“Cradologie spatiale : cartographie différentielles des plaintes (tags et graffitis, objets abandonnés), à Paris. Le Paris du périphérique trouve trop d'objets abandonnés, le Paris du centre trop de tags.”

By vincent - - (Open) Data