Veille de CCM Benchmark Group

By xavierccm - - Javascript
Mapbox GL JS pour afficher et

Mapbox GL JS pour afficher et customiser des cartes dans le browser, avec la puissance de WebGL >
Blog | Remotion | Make videos programmatically in React


<> Remotion 4 est sorti hier, avec des fonctions pour faciliter les vidéos data driven :wink:
By xavierccm - - Javascript
By xavierccm - - Javascript

<> Progressively enhance HTML with lightweight JavaScript libraries.
By xavierccm - - Javascript
Beaconing in Practice: An Update on Reliability and the Pending Beacon API

Table of ContentsIntroduction Pending Beacon API Why Pending Beacons? Pending Beacon ExperimentsMethodology Reliability of XMLHttpRequest vs. sendBeacon() vs. Pending Beacon in Event Handlersonload pagehide or visibilitychange onload or pagehide or visibi

By xavierccm - - Javascript
GitHub - webpro/knip: ✂️ Find unused files, dependencies and exports in your JavaScript and TypeScript projects. Knip it before you ship it!

✂️ Find unused files, dependencies and exports in your JavaScript and TypeScript projects. Knip it before you ship it! - GitHub - webpro/knip: ✂️ Find unused files, dependencies and exports in yo...

By xavierccm - - Javascript
Let's build a Chrome extension that steals everything

Today's adventure: DIY whole hog data exfiltration

Ahah ça change des articles sur comment protéger là c’est comment tout piquer mais très précis <>
By dam75 - - Javascript
Visiblement de grosses amélio

Visiblement de grosses améliorations pour que le fingerprint de chrome headless « ressemble » à celui de chrome normal ? >
Web Push for Web Apps on iOS and iPadOS

With iOS and iPadOS 16.4 beta 1 comes support for Web Push for Home Screen web apps, Badging API, Manifest ID, and more.

By xavierccm - - Javascript
By xavierccm - - Javascript
GitHub - editablejs/editable: Editable is a rich text editor framework that provides stable rich text editing capabilities without relying on the contenteditable attribute.

Editable is a rich text editor framework that provides stable rich text editing capabilities without relying on the contenteditable attribute. - GitHub - editablejs/editable: Editable is a rich tex...

By vgrebot - - Javascript
GitHub - apitable/apitable: ???????????? APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives. [WIP]

???????????? APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives. [WIP] - GitHub - apitable/apitable: ???????????? APITable, an AP...

Alternative open-source à Airtable <>
By dam75 - - Javascript
Utiliser les hébergements sta

Utiliser les hébergements statiques pour y mettre du sqlite fetché sur http, malin! >
InboxSDK - Build Apps inside Gmail

The InboxSDK is high level Javascript library used to easily build browser extensions that interact with Gmail

Si on voulait développer une extension pour gmail ... <>
By dam75 - - Javascript
By vor - - Javascript
By vor - - Javascript
GitHub - ImVexed/muon: GPU based Electron on a diet

GPU based Electron on a diet. Contribute to ImVexed/muon development by creating an account on GitHub.

<> le "GPU based Electron on a diet" (basé sur webkit)
By dam75 - - Javascript